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Sample Character Reference Letter


May 12, 1998

To Whom it May Concern:

In the four years I have known John Edmonds I have been impressed with his dedication to any endeavor he has been involved with. John demonstrates a giving and generous nature in his free time. Last year he participated in a mission trip with his youth group to build housing for deprived people in Mexico. He had to finance his own trip, and when he returned he had to make up all the class work he had missed.

He also demonstrated honesty recently when he found a wallet in the parking lot with over $100 in it. This wallet was not only turned in to the service desk of the store, but John looked up the phone number of the owner and called them to make certain they were aware of where to locate it.

I hope you will give serious consideration to selecting John for this position. I feel he would be a good addition to any organization.


Jonathon Williams


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